Saturday 7 May 2011

Hollywood Believes Osama Bin Laden Film

Even before the big container bin Laden again, Hollywood films gave the leader of Al Qaeda.

The Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal his partner is a stakeholder meeting Osama bin Laden and the murder of a project tentatively titled Kill bin Laden, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The film is based on the success of Black Ops missions. Joel Edgerton is said to be interested in the role. (Think Eric Bana. Thou?)

So how is the impact of the death of Bin Laden the project? According to Variety, the exchange of gunfire inside Pakistan to kill Bin Laden said. But the filmmakers have not gone on record about their plans.

Los Angeles Times reported that Boal Bigelow, the film is not only a bin Laden-related project kicked around Hollywood before the announcement of his death Sunday. Oliver Stone was interested in the project at some point Paramount called Jawbreaker, which is based on the book by Gary Berntsen on the CIA Bin Laden manhunt.

And the upcoming film 24, with Kiefer Sutherland and published in 2012, could provide a perfect place for a graphic bin Laden. Fans seemed to come up with this idea on Sunday night. Shortly after Obama announced bin Laden had been killed, "Jack Bauer" has been a trend on Twitter.

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