Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Do Not Jog In Such Things As Trophies, The Photo Of Obama On Osama

Washington: U.S. President Obama decided not to release the body images of Osama bin Laden, CBS News reported on Wednesday. Obama said, he found that the images of bin Laden, the bullets of blood, there is no way to get the doubters, but it could inflame tensions in the Muslim world and cause problems for American national security.

He will reveal his decision in an interview with the CBS program "60 Minutes", part of which you can control the programs of Network Evening News on Wednesday.

According to a copy read aloud the White House press conference, Obama said that there was no doubt that bin Laden was dead and that "we do not shake this stuff as trophies. - It is not who we are"

The debate on delivery pictures of Bin Laden had used the White House in the last two days. Some officials have said that the publication of the photos was inevitable. On Tuesday, the Director of Central Intelligence Agency, Leon Panetta, E, did not think there was "no doubt that, finally, a picture is presented to the public."

But Pentagon officials and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed his remorse for the release of horrifying images of the bloodied corpse of bin Laden, saying that the images will not silence those who doubt he's dead. Some members also objected to the release photographs, arguing that it would serve little use and could endanger U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Imagine how the American people would respond if al-Qaeda has killed one of our troops or military leaders, and put pictures of the body on the Internet," said Representative Mike Rogers, Republican of Michigan and chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Intelligence. "Osama bin Laden is not a trophy. He died, and let us now focus on continuing the struggle, until Al-Qaeda has been deleted."

The White House announced that Obama will participate on Thursday laid a wreath laying ceremony, September 11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan. It 'also scheduled to meet with relatives of the victims and the 2001 terrorist attacks, but he does not speak. The White House has invited former President George W. Bush, accompanied by Obama in New York, but Bush refused, his spokesman said.

The plans were the details emerged about the raid on bin Laden safe house in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Administration officials said, after members of Navy SEAL killed Bin Laden, who discovered he had money - 500 euros (about $ 746) - and two phone numbers sewn into clothing. This suggests that bin Laden had a evacuation plan, which was not able to achieve when U.S. helicopters landed in the compound.

Administration officials have insisted that bin Laden had attempted to abandon last moments of their lives, and that the justification for the use of lethal force of Navy Seals. Last Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder of a broader argument, claiming the role of bin Laden in the soul of the September 11 day of the attacks.

"It was justified as an act of self defense," Holder said Senate Judiciary Committee. "If I had failed, he tried to surrender, I think, obviously, agreed. But there was no indication he wanted and what his murder was appropriate."

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