Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Sega Mega Drive Tetris Cartridge Can Be Yours For $ 1000000

How would you be willing to pay for a video game? Especially one that does not work if you have the console in the living room right now? (Ok maybe you're the Genesis / Sega Mega Drive, but I'm pretty sure it's in the attic collecting dust right?) Well, as the property of the Mega Drive sound like Tetris?

It was reported that there are only a dozen copies of this cartridge in the world and one of them can now be yours - for $ 1,000,000 on eBay. If you wonder why it is so expensive (it is generally estimated from between $ 3,000 to $ 16,000) is said to be the only Sega Megadrive cartridge Tetris that are signed by the creator of Tetris himself, Alexey Pázhitnov.

Received the money to pay for the tape? You can go to the auction page on eBay and now doing their best. To date, the seller refused the offer of $ 20,000 so you'll probably need to do better.

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