Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Banda Robot Is Not Only On The Cover Of Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People"

It never ceases to amaze how quickly technology advances, robots, and how robots can do and can do for us. However, a tape robot that can play a perfect representation of Marilyn Manson "The Beautiful People"? Do we really want to deprive us of the joy of the stage and the blockade as a band? Well, in some cases, especially with excellent coverage and the precise timing is difficult to say no.

Called end of life, or EOL for short, seems an appropriate name considering the price they are progressing through robot technology, is a matter of time before taking over the world as we know. The "band" consists of guitar, electric cello, drums and even a flatbed scanner, which is responsible for us to guess the strange sounds, and keyboard.

Anyway for all you fans out there Marilyn Manson, maybe you can enjoy the video below to EOL Robot Band performing "The Beautiful People".

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