Saturday 28 April 2012

Still in the shape, the digital camera contradicts mobile phone onslaught

(Reuters) - While most attention in the device world is on the breakneck speed of advancement in cell mobile phones, pills and computer systems, another system has resolutely rejected to die: the electronic camera.

Despite the assault of electronic camera mobile phones - the iPhone 4 has this season become the most well-known system for publishing photos to the photo-sharing web page Reddit - electronic cams are still being marketed. Asia, the biggest producer, delivered nearly three times as many electronic cams in Jan as it did in the same month of 2003, when the electronic camera mobile phone was still in its start.

"For several decades, it has been expected that cellular mobile phone adopting would cut into photographic electronic camera revenue," said Prashant Malaviya, Affiliate Teacher of Marketing at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Company. "In fact, the exact opposite has occurred."

Driving this is a number of factors, experts and fanatics say. And, while most factor to a ongoing role for electronic cams for both individual and expert customers, the lamps upcoming is far from confident.

Firstly, digital photography is individual. We may be happy getting photos with our mobile phone or simple point-and-shoot electronic camera, but it changes out that most of us won't trust key reminiscences to such basic gadgets. Internet surveys by NPD Team last Nov show that while more than a one fourth of all American pictures were taken by a cellular mobile phone, more individuals were buying electronic cams with extractible contacts or electronic cams with visual zooms of 10x or more.

This, says NPD Team mature document picture resolution specialist Liz Reducing, is because those individuals getting important household pictures don't want to trust them to a system that isn't up to the task. "Camera digital photography is certainly not deceased," said Reducing. "We're just seeing a skewing towards what the cellular mobile phone can't produce. Folks are realising that and are going for an increased end electronic camera."

This in turn benefits the established gamers, because customers are cautious to trust their pictures to an untried company. We may be ready to try out a new company of mobile phone, laptop or TV, but when it comes to household photos we're more traditional. "It's part of who you are, displaying the type of company of electronic camera you have," Reducing said. "But it's also relying on the excellent of that memory because that's how you remember your life."

This has assisted entrench several key gamers, some of whom have taken over the landscape for a technology or more - Cannon Inc (7751.T), Nikon Corp (7731.T), Panasonic Corp (6758.T), Olympus Corp (7733.T), Pentax (7752.T), Fuji (4901.T) and Panasonic Corp (6752.T).


Canon has been one of the main receivers of this, keeping a strong company from the expert great end to the point-and-shoot base, says Captain christopher Chute, international picture resolution primary at Worldwide Data Corp. Cannon has seen its electronic camera business grow as the percentage of its overall revenue to more than 25 % in 2008 from below 11 % in 1999. In a study of more than a one fourth of a million customers of Ontario-based device web page, Cannon was the most well-known company, with a third of the election.

Not that its competitors are standing nonproductive.

Panasonic, Olympus, Pentax and Nikon have in modern times released a new type of electronic camera that suits the excellent of contacts of an established style with the smooth, light body of a wallet, point-and-shoot system. Although these mirrorless electronic cams aren't a lot less expensive than the expert electronic single zoom lens response (DSLR) style, they are brighter and more lightweight.

This has won them lovers among both those trading up and those looking to substitute or supplement their expert items. Ong Urpris Chuan, a enthusiast who operates a Jakarta advertising company, recently marketed his bulkier Cannon EOS 50D for a mirrorless Panasonic NEX-7. Price wasn't a factor. "I was sick and exhausted of carrying around an SLR and getting a hernia for it," he said. Cannon has yet to declare a mirrorless style.

Not only are electronic camera companies seeking an edge over each other: They're fighting the encroachment of electronic camera mobile phones on to their area.

At the end, Htc and other cellular companies have long joined with zoom lens creators like Carl Zeiss to increase the excellent of pictures and mobile phones, a pattern which has intended many cell mobile phones now do a better job of a point-and-shoot electronic camera. The benefit the electronic camera mobile phone has also grown as social networking services like Myspace (FB.O) create it possible to discuss pictures with household as soon as it's taken.

This simply leaves the lightweight point-and-shoot electronic camera section of the industry insecure.

In marketplaces such as the United States and Asia, says Japan-based IHS specialist Kun Soo Lee, there's not many more individuals who want to buy one. On the one hand, this is eating into revenue that Cannon and others typically taken over. On the other, the ease with which pictures can be taken on a mobile phone is providing an interest in getting better pictures, growing the middle of the industry into a "pro-sumer" section of gadgets which price a bit more but offer the individual options so far inaccessible on the cellular phone: An visual, rather than electronic, zoom capability, for example, better display, and picture leveling.


This is generating companies to force more and better technological innovation from their higher end designs into less expensive gadgets. Costs have decreased considerably in the last several years, says Level Walters of U.S.-based web page Ten decades ago a 3-megapixel DSLR electronic camera would price $3,000; now a better excellent 18-megapixel DSLR can be found for less than $500. "The technological innovation that has been handed down into the more consumer-targeted DSLRs is amazing," he said.

Lowering prices and raiding the technological innovation of formerly expert designs is not without risk. "This costs technique has certainly triggered some cannibalization of revenue at the greater end for companies Cannon and Nikon," said Walters, "but they create up for it with amount at the low end by selling more critical components like contacts and whizzes."

Manufacturers are also competitive through advancement.

Apart from mirrorless electronic cams, there have been upgrades in receptors and a technological innovation called great powerful variety (HDR) picture resolution, which levels pictures at different exposures. "There's an amazing amount of advancement in electronic cameras equipment at the moment," said Melbourne-based Quotes Low, a former Internet business owner who now takes sports pictures for a living. "More so in many ways than Apple (AAPL.O), HP (HPQ.N) and other computer companies."

While fanatics like Low believe that still electronic cams will gradually be changed by electronic cams - from which moments can be got - others believe that gradually cell mobile phone and electronic camera will start to look and feel more like each other.

A variety of electronic cams released in the last few months, said NPD In-Stat's Reducing, have for the first time included WiFi snacks, making it possible for customers to discuss their pictures much as a cellular mobile phone individual might. "It has to be easy, and we haven't hit that yet," she said.

Just as the electronic camera gets smaller and more cultural, so will the cell mobile phone progress to integrate features currently only available on a electronic camera. IHS's Kun said the release of 12 mega-pixel electronic cams into mobile phones, for example, is a "kicker to change the industry."

Then, said J. Gerry Purdy of mobile phone experts MobileTrax, there's Polaroid's SC1630, declared in Jan and due to be released this year: an Operating system system with an visual zoom capability. These and other enhancements, Purdy said, may guide in a upcoming where a cellular mobile phone electronic camera "will perform as well as present-day electronic cams with large visual zoom capability and larger contacts." California-based Pelican Imaging Corp, for example, guarantees a electronic camera that will increase picture and movie excellent while enabling for slimmer mobile phones.

How traditional gamers respond to these difficulties is uncertain. Cannon, for example, has no apparent way to battle the rise of the cellular mobile phone, said IHS's Kun, and so will have to keep on offering electronic cams. Meanwhile other technological innovation may happen either inside or outside the industry.

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