Saturday 23 July 2011

U.S. Next IPhone September 5?

Is the iPhone arrives in September 5th? According to recent rumors published by iphone Italia, received the news of a "very reliable source" who claims that the next iPhone will be launched on the Swisscom network in October June 5 Now this is not the whole story. Apparently, the date of October 5 is the "rest of the world" Date: one month after the U.S. release date, which is said to be September 5. The source of this news? A senior manager at Swisscom (carrier Swedish).

It is difficult to distinguish truth from fiction, but if true, is the first time we have a firm date for release next iPhone. It aligns perfectly with all the previous rumors we've heard so far on the date September Release 1 (unfortunately in this case, it is not global). The source also never mentioned it would be 5 or iPhone 4S (none of which are confirmed at this time either). In little over a month in September, we should expect an announcement soon so if the release date September 5th to be believed. What do you mean?

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