Wednesday 20 July 2011

Alfa MiTo Will Celebrate With New Car Art Luisa Economic Well

Make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen: the Art Car era has returned and is back in style. Not only BMW has had its vast collection presents a special online gallery, the Force India Formula One has commissioned the first car of art. Need more proof? Tesla had worked for more than the roadster, the concept Survolt Citroen has given a new paintjob and a host of other automobile manufacturers are allowed to participate in the activities only in recent months.

The latter, however, is an Alfa Romeo. The Italian manufacturer has commissioned renowned artist Louise Dear to apply their talents to the MiTo to celebrate the launch of its new, more efficient 1.3-2 JDTM motor. The finished product, nicknamed "Because I can" was apparently inspired by the daughter of Darling 17 years old, joined the classic iconography of the Alfa logo and the emblem that adorns the old Cloverleaf car racing brand. Check the results in the prime decidedly high-resolution image gallery above, with details of the joint press release after the jump.

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