Warner Bros. had reached an agreement with Facebook, where users can "rent" movies and diffusion through the social networking site. Last month, Paramount Pictures has more titles from Facebook and now The Big Lebowski is available at Universal Studios for rent. Users can rent the movie directly from the fan page. This coincides with the release of the Blu-ray. NBC Universal has worked with F-commerce Milyoni developer to make some extra features to share the service. Users can share the rent and comments on some individual parts of the film, besides being able to comment on the entire movie. They can "like"
their favorite quotes and scenes. They can also see what their friends and other Facebook users have said while watching a movie.
Users can also give friends a discount of five $ 1 (Rs 45) on rent (rent a movie for 48 hours is 30 credits Facebook is $ 3 or
Rs 136).
The Big Lebowski is a film that is more successful in selling and renting DVD in the rooms. Being on Facebook makes sense for this film, even if already available on Amazon, Vudu and Cinema Now. Watch movies on Facebook is convenient and can make new fans of films like this.
their favorite quotes and scenes. They can also see what their friends and other Facebook users have said while watching a movie.
Users can also give friends a discount of five $ 1 (Rs 45) on rent (rent a movie for 48 hours is 30 credits Facebook is $ 3 or
Rs 136).
The Big Lebowski is a film that is more successful in selling and renting DVD in the rooms. Being on Facebook makes sense for this film, even if already available on Amazon, Vudu and Cinema Now. Watch movies on Facebook is convenient and can make new fans of films like this.
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