Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Galaxy R Samsung Enters The U.S. Market

We have known for some time that Samsung would Galaxy R powered by a NVIDIA Tegra chip 2, as has been shown in the video and widely published on the net. Today it is officially announced for the U.S. market, although the fine details are still a little less, for he works with Tegra 2, we essentially know its capabilities, which should be similar to other phones Tegra 2 . This means that 1080p video playback (5Mbps), and 720p recording a big difference Thurs performance.The primary changes will come from Samsung and additions to the Android 2.3. For example, I expect the camera application (including panorama mode) to be better about Motorola phones Tegra 2 (ATRIX, Droid X2). That said, Motorola's e-mail and "business" APP is generally a little better.

The other thing that should be good is the camera sensor. We were very impressed with the photographic capabilities of the Samsung S2 Galaxy, and we can only hope that this galaxy R be as good. Now available in some European countries, and Samsung should be nearing completion with specific variants for U.S. companies

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