Monday, 18 July 2011

Judge Rules: HTC Infringed Two Patents Apple

The Battle of patents between HTC and Apple, which had been so quiet for so long has really heated in recent weeks. Apple has filed a new complaint against the HTC ITC last week and this week a judge ruled that two of the ten patents that Apple has made proposals in this case was prejudiced by HTC.

To the dismay of HTC in the classification, the share price began to fall after Apple introduced its second complaint on July 8, resulting in a decrease of 15 percent. Stock prices fell 4.1 percent after reaching office this weekend. But HTC has not given up. The company plans to conduct a share buyback in September for the Macquarie Group analyst Daniel Chang called "short-term support." At the same time, HTC has a call scheduled for July 16.

If you are familiar with the ITC import process (which you probably have), it goes a bit 'of something like this: Administrative Law Judge Carl Charneski decided July 15, the HTC is contrary to a series of patents for Apple. There Charneski conviction before the International Trade Commission board of six people in Washington, where the HTC to launch an appeal. At that point, it is in the hands of the Commission, may decide to ban U.S. imports of some of the HTC phones running the Android operating system.

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